Bilberry Extract

Product name | Bilberry Extract / Bilberry Extract |
Botanical Name | Vaccinium Myrtılus |
Pearl Name | Vaccinium Myrtılus Fruit Extract |
Cas No | 84082-34-8 |
Einecs No | 281-983-5 |
Part Used | Fruit |
Harvest time | June July |
Product Form | Powder |
Production Method | Extraction |
Resolution | Water / Oil |
Blueberries are a type of fruit that is adapted to the temperate climate zone and is botanical in the group of real grapes. Vaccinium corymbosum L, vaccinium darrowii and rabbit blueberry ( Vaccinium ashei Reade ) are cultivated and of economic importance.There are three different types. It is cultivated in thousands of hectares in some European countries, especially in the USA. Today, the blueberry, which is commercially grown, is the product of selection studies initiated in the United States since 1906. The selected blueberry types were then hybridized among themselves and new varieties were obtained. The new blueberry varieties developed with breeding studies give much larger, juicy and sweeter fruits than their natural forms and are more resistant to diseases and pests. With these aspects, they can adapt to larger areas.
In terms of climate demand, Artvin, Rize, Trabzon, Giresun, Samsun and Sinop, which are the provinces in the Eastern Black Sea Region, generally have wild forms in high altitude mountains and highlands and are consumed freshly by the local people by making jam or molasses. Blueberries prefer acidic soils (pH = 4.0-5.5) and, in general, where wild blueberries are present, cultivars can grow easily in relatively sloping areas where laurel, pine, alder or white cedar are mixed. Since the soils in the Black Sea Region are acidic and this region is located in the blueberry homeland, it is necessary to add blueberries to the product range in the region.
Formed wildly in the mountains of the Eastern Black Sea Region, likapa, kaskanaka, çera (mçela) in Trabzon, ligarba, lifos in Trabzon, morsivit or mahabak (merhauk) in Artvin, bush strawberries in Ordu-Giresun, Kars-Ardahan and it is consumed by the local people. This fruit is also known as blueberry, huckleberry, whortleberry, black whortleberry, bilberry, burren myrtle, mrytille, dyeberry, hurtleberry, whinberry, wineberry. is a very valuable fruit variety in terms of product variety. Blueberries that love acidic soil are extremely low in the world and are produced in difficult conditions.
- In type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome, irregular blood sugar is secreted. Of course, this problem-specific diet program should be applied, but according to research regular blueberry consumed more regular blood sugar than those who do not consume.
- Most urinary tract infections are caused by a bacterium known as E. Coli, which cannot be excreted in the urine as it adheres to the urinary tract. Bilberry can clean the urinary tract from this bacterium with its natural antibiotic properties.
- Bilberry contains a high amount of anthocyanin and therefore has the ability to prevent vision loss. It can protect macular degeneration against cataracts, myopia, dry eye and even infections.
- Rich in vitamins A, B, C, anthocyanins, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc. It is particularly protective against an increasing disease such as Alzheimer's. According to the studies, the learning capacity of children who consume blueberries regularly increases.
- Due to its high fiber content and rich in antioxidants, it is especially capable of lowering LDL cholesterol levels . Therefore, it protects the health of the heart. In addition, eNOS enzyme level was determined to be high in those who consume blueberries regularly. The eNOS enzyme also has protective properties against heart diseases.
- It regulates the digestive system due to its fiber content and is useful for those with constipation problems. It also accelerates digestion due to the content of copper and fructose.
- Pterostilben is especially useful against cancer of the colon, uterus and liver due to its cancer-protective content such as ellagic acid and its rich vitamin C content.
- It is a natural anti depressant that regulates energy metabolism. The darker the color, the more rich the content.
- It shows antibiotic effect in urinary tract infections.
- It activates enzymes that protect the body against cancer.
- It has anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties.
- Provides the removal of fatty compounds from the body.
- Lowers blood sugar.
- Lowers blood cholesterol.
- Pectin content is high.
- Reduces the risk of heart attack.
- Increases night vision.
- Reduces the recurrence of HIV VIRUS.
- Improves vascular elasticity and permeability of eyes
- It is rich in polyphenols, actocyanins, flavanols and tannins used as bioactive substances in the body.
- The content of ELLAGIC-ACID that fights against cancer is very high.
- It removes eye fatigue and prevents vision disorders caused by myopia and diabetes. Eliminates glare, capillary cracking and night blindness.
- Prevents constipation, nausea, stomach cramps and ulcers.
- Prevents arteriosclerosis.
- Heals heir and hemorrhoids.
- It has a calming effect.
- Heals oral wounds.
- It has disinfectant properties for inflammations and its potassium content is extremely high.
- Nourishes hair
- Adds vitality to hair
- Prevents skin wrinkles
- Removes skin blemishes
- Moisturizes skin
- Brightens skin
- Improves skin infection
- It passes the inflamed acne on the skin.
- Aromatic, adds flavor to food.
- It is used as a flavoring agent in food and beverages.
- Extends shelf life in foods.
- It is ethical against digestive problems.
- Used in feed and medicine.
- Prevents infection.